Omikuji Challenge
Happy New Year!
What is Omikuji?
Omikuji is a traditional Japanese fortune-telling method typically found at shrines and temples.
The word "omikuji" translates to "sacred lot" in English, and it is a popular way to seek guidance or predictions for the future.
Special Maruhisa Omikuji
For a limited time, you can draw an Omikuji with us and receive a coupon code based on your fortune level!
Here’s what you can win:
大吉 "Dai-kichi" / Great Blesshing / 25% off coupon
中吉 "Chu-kichi" / Middle Blesshing / 10% off coupon
小吉 "Sho-kichi" / Small Blesshing / 5% off coupon
*Conditions: The coupon is valid for purchases of $150 or more.
Let's Get Your Fortune!